Once upon a time, I was
hanging out with my friends, lets call them joe and rick. The three of us were
at rick’s house, and we had some time to spare before going to meet some other
friends. We weren’t sure what to do, and we brainstormed some ideas. Finally,
rick had a great idea “I’m going to teach you two how to drive stick!” It
sounded like a fun idea but also somewhat dangerous, considering rick wasn’t an
expert stick driver. When I mean he isn’t an expert, I mean he has to stalls
out the engine in order to park it because “it’s easier”. That being said, he
was able to drive around the neighborhood smoothly and at no point did I fear
for my life. He took us to parking lot near his house for a nice place to
practice. Joe and I were nervous to try. Joe was recently licensed driver, who
had never tried stick, I hadn’t even taken drivers ed, and like I said before,
our teacher was pretty inexperienced.
I don’t know if you’ve ever driven
stick before, but its tricky. To start the car you have to keep your foot on
the clutch while you change from brake to gas. Then take your foot off the
clutch very slowly while still keeping your other foot on the gas, until
finally the car starts to move. Also, if you do anything wrong throughout this
process, the engine will stall out and you’ll have to start over again.
First one behind the wheel was Joe. He starts
the engine, begins the process and wham! The whole car shakes vigorously with
no sign of forward acceleration. “What the heck?” Joe yelled. “You hecking
idiot, I said take your foot off slowly” rick responded. Joe’s next few
attempts weren’t any better, but eventually he got the hang of it. He drove
around that parking lot beautifully. “Do you want to try?” Joe asked me. “Yeah
okay” I replied.
This wasn’t my first time behind the
wheel, but my no means was I accustomed to that feeling. With one foot on the
gas and one foot slowly lifting off the clutch, I breathed slowly and stayed
focus. It was the moment of truth. My foot was off the clutch completely and I
pressed harder on the gas. Vroom! The car zoomed off faster than I anticipated,
but I quickly took back control of the car. I was a stick prodigy. I was all-powerful,
nothing could stop me…for a whole minute, until the engine stalled out. I
shamefully turned off the car and got back in the passenger seat.
To this day, I don’t know what I did
wrong. That’s just how life goes, you never know what will stop you. If I want
you to take anything away from this story it’s that you’re never really in
control. SIKE just know that stick sucks.