Thursday, November 29, 2018

Parting Advice

     I’ve gotten to that point in my life where my allowance has mysteriously disappeared. In general, my parents have grown increasingly reluctant in giving money. They probably expect me to be more independent or whatever, but I just don't have source of income. At least that was the case until a few weeks ago when I took charge of my financial situation. I got a job! I am now a productive member of society. Okay maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but still, it feels good to have a job.
     My official job name is “Crew Member” for Chipotle Mexican Grill. Essentially, you can do a variety of tasks including working the line, cash register, prepping food, and washing dishes. Each task has it’s pros and cons, but none of them are easy. The thing about Chipotle is that it’s very fast pace. If you’ve been, then you’ve probably seen how crazy the line can get. If you’ve never been, then try picturing a roughly 15 minute wait from a line that wraps around the entire first floor. With that many people counting on you to do your job in the most efficient manner, there’s not much of a chance to catch a break – unless you literally go on break – but even then, there’s subtle pressure from your manager to finish up quick.
     The way I’m describing it sounds like an awful time, but it’s very much the opposite. Everyone who works there has a positive attitude, and everyone gets along. I’m possibly the newest guy working there, but I already feel comfortable in the work space. It really feels like you’re a part of a team. I wouldn’t say that working at Chipotle is a sport but it has a lot of similarities. That lighthearted attitude from everyone has made it an enjoyable experience – even when the work is exhausting.
     And no, this is not some kind of paid promotion. I’m just saying you should take a little control of your life, maybe you’ll end up doing something you enjoy.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wilde Room

     A wise man once said “Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life”.  Oscar Wilde was an influential man and this quote is no exception to his accomplishments. Over a century after his death people still debate how true his statement is. While both sides have strong arguments, I personally believe the contrary in that art imitates life. Look, I’m not here to present you an argument, I will just give you my experience with this common phrase.
     My art is not your common canvas painting or sketch on paper. My art is my room and everything in it are the paint strokes. I start of the school year with perfectly clean room with not a speck of dust on my desk. The room has vibes of tranquility. That’s because my life is at peace. As school begins I have time to do everything, I can even work ahead. My room shows this because I can take the time to put everything away, take the time to clear my desk, etc.
     Let’s jump forward to now. My room is a mess. I’ve got important papers flooding my desk, everything else gets the ground. I haven’t made my bed since Sunday and I’ve got laundry losing their patience after my 4th “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Essentially my room is gross. I don’t like to have my room like this, I honestly disgusts me and even stresses me out to see it like this. At some point I will do it, probably tomorrow, but until then this is my life. I prefer a nice room, but with so much going with school and extracurriculars, I can’t find the effort to tidy my room up. Cleaning is such a tedious task and I think many people agree that it’s just not a fun activity.
     I don’t have a good ending to this blog post, there isn’t anything insightful I have to say to complete the analogy. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t look forward to cleaning up my room, but I do look forward to the less stressful environment. After all it’s where I spend most my time.