Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Unnecessary Explication

     It’s getting late and I still can’t think of anything to write. I’ve gone through a variety of topics, but halfway through the first paragraph I get writers block. I’ve decided my only solution is to just give instructions for if you ever find yourself in my body. This is an average day for Mariano.
     Wake up at 6:30, roll out of bed shower and do morning routine stuff. Get to school at 7:59 so sprint up to physics. Get roasted by Nic for coming in late. After physics walk out and there’s your cool girlfriend Gloria. Good morning. Walk downstairs and sign out of study hall. Go to library and save a seat for Josh. At this point you either talk about Pokemon Go with Josh until periods or finish any homework from the night before. Walk downstairs meet up with Akash or Sarah(on good days both) and walk to PE. Go into the xc locker room, even though your locker is in the basketball locker room (more on this later). Do some weight lifting (you’ll feel really weak since your workout starts by benching the bar, while Michael Moore benches about 165). After PE, wait in the lobby until English starts and talk to Matthew and Tina about fashion or something. After English it’s lunch time! Walk back to school, sit at the claimed table, and talk about something stupid with your friends. Go to chorus and carry you’re the tenor section even though you’re lost a lot of the time. Go to history, but you gotta go fast so that no one take the two seats where you and Josh sit. It’s Uni period, which means you’re probably doing French homework. Go to French sit there confused while nodding your head every now and then as if you had a clue what was going on. Go to Math.
     Schools over, but you’ve still got a few things to do before you call it a day. Go to Kenney and possibly take down a gym with Josh from the xc boys locker room. Do some hard work out with the team and then come back to Kenney, change, and go home. Eat some food and talk to parents. Go to room and do homework. Do your night routine and go to bed. Get some rest, you earned it.


  1. This seems to be a very literal schedule of your daily life. When I go to school, life tends to get very repetitive with the same classes and people I see everyday. My personal schedule is very similar, although I wake up at 7 every morning telling myself that I would go to bed early the next day, only to sleep at 1 am the next day for no reason.

  2. this was a surprisingly interesting blog post. I find it fun to learn about other peoples routines, i like to see other perspectives.

  3. When you put it that way you make life sound so simple, but sadly it isn't. I really like getting glimpses into everybody else's life and I can relate to not being able to come up with a topic. That has happened to me on every blog after the first one. I am better at writing fiction. Nice short and concise post.

    1. So write fiction (and disguise it as non-fiction). There are really very few rules about these blogs, I'm noticing.

  4. Cool! Now if anyone ever ends up in your body, they know how to disguise themselves as you (instead of running around screaming "what is going OOOOONNNNN??" which I feel would be a far more normal reaction).

  5. Sick blog post. It's cool to see a detailed routine of someone's entire day, since I've never thought about my routine at all. I've been doing the same thing everyday for the past 3 months since school started, and I never even thought about it once.

  6. I, like many other commentators, realized while reading this just how monotonous my life really is. Thanks for that! In all seriousness I love seeing different formats on blogs and this was certainly something I have never seen before. Nice post!

  7. I think it's interesting to take a step back and think about what we actually do everyday. So often we are stressed but we can't figure out why. Sometimes we stress over things that aren't even real. It can be good to list everything out just to clear our heads.

  8. Fun times. I like how you included the people you talk to between classes - I feel like in the rush of getting everything done and trying to balance extracurriculars, we forget to hang out with people important to us and make that part of our routine.
